Thursday, January 7, 2016

See table content without conversion with SE16N

When displaying table content, a conversion is sometimes done to display the content.

For example, a document number may be defined at 10 digits but its ranged only covers 9.
The conversion will trunk the first 0.

It's possible to display the original values with transaction SE16N

In settings, check the option "Output without Conversion Exit"

While in the settings, you can also activate Techincal view which gives other technical information on fields of the table at initial screen.

The results displayed non-converted content (so they can be easily cut and paste if needed, for example in program RSNAST00 or RSNAST0D, without having to add a 0 with good old Excel).

Another example of use is that sometimes the conversion is done by langage :

In case of unit of measure, the unit "ONE" is displayed but the content is 1 in the table.
In FR langage, this unit would be displayed "UN" after Conversion

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cancel Variant Protection

When saving a variant, we have the option to protect the variant.
This flag is then transported from developpement environment to Production.

In some situation, (let say the user you protected the variant is gone from the business and its account was deleted, and you don't have security access to maintain that flag), you may need to deactivate the protection.

SAP provides the program "RSVARENT" that unflag the protection.

To use it, simply enter the program(s) name and the variant(s) to modify.

Display First name and Last name of multiple user id

It is easy to display First and Last name of a user id with transaction SU01 or SU01D.

However, when it is required to display complete name of multiple user ids, there's an easier way

You can use a view called "USER_ADDRP" from transaction SE16N

Extra Tip : From SE16N selection screen, you can double-click on view/table name to access its technical information (transaction SE11)

In case of a view, the "Table/Join Conditions" tab will give the information of which table are used.